Arion Bank repurchases NOK bonds
Television series on financial literacy is launched
Eyrir Sprotar completes funding – Eyrir og Arion Bank largest shareholders
Arion Bank and DNB Bank finance acquisition of pelagic fishing vessels by HB Grandi
Well attended conference on Icelandic stock market
Agreement reached on construction of hotel next to Harpa Concert Hall
Arion Research’s economic forecasts
Arion Bank and DNB Bank fund acquisition of new freezer trawler by Rammi hf.

Successful stock offering in Eik fasteignafélag hf.

Reitun upgrades Arion Bank’s credit rating to A2 with stable outlook
Arion Bank's Q1 2015 financial results
10,000 girls, boys, mums and dads attended courses on the basics of finance held by popular artist Jón Jónsson and Arion Bank

More employees became qualified financial advisers

Not everything is measured in terms of money – conference at Arion Bank
Startup Reykjavík named best business accelerator in the Nordic region
10 companies chosen to participate in Startup Reykjavík 2015
Arion Bank is the main sponsor of the NKG innovation competition for 10-12 year olds

Icelandic Competition Authority authorizes the merger of Arion Bank and AFL Savings Bank

Employees celebrate the 100th anniversary of voting rights for women

Startup Reykjavík launched for the fourth time
Arion Bank receives equal salary certification from VR

Arion Bank participates in funding of acquisition of an American seafood company
Arion Bank football tournament for children is held
Signing of agreement on Marriott Edition hotel which will be built next to Harpa Concert Hall

Investors acquire 5% share in Síminn
Arion Bank completes covered bond offering

Startup Reykjavík investor day held for fourth time at Arion Bank
Arion Bank donates 400 new medical beds to the National University Hospital
Arion Bank invests in electric cars

Exhibition of the works of Icelandic artist Georg Guðni opened at Arion Bank's headquarters
Arion Research hosts meeting on the position and outlook for the tourism industry

Excess demand in Arion Bank’s offering of shares in Síminn

Merger between Arion Bank and AFL Savings Bank approved
Arion Bank and investment company Ungir fjárfestar host conference on investments in seed and growth companies
Arion Online Bank becomes smart device responsive
Keflavík International Airport – Arion Bank wins tender to provide financial services
Agreement on issue of Landsvirkjun bonds in collaboration with Arion Bank
Twenty-five grants to buy books awarded to students
Arion Bank signs declaration on climate issues

Arion Bank is main sponsor of 2015 Seafood Conference
Frjálsi Pension Fund named best pension fund in Europe in its class
New branch of Arion Bank opened in Siglufjördur
Well attended meeting on pension savings

Arion Research hosts meeting on the outlook on the housing market